At Mona Dental for Kids in Spring, Texas, every effort is made to preserve otherwise healthy permanent and baby teeth to protect against the complications associated with early tooth loss. However, not all teeth will grow properly. Sometimes, there is not enough room in the mouth for back teeth. Or, additional room may be needed to accommodate treatment with orthodontics, for instance. Safe and gentle tooth removal by Dr. Mona Houshiar may be on the horizon for these and other cases. To support the utmost health and comfort of your child, we provide clear and complete instructions on aftercare following extraction.
It is not unusual for your child’s mouth to be a little tender or sore. These effects are temporary and can be easily managed with OTC medications. Tylenol or Advil, for instance, helps to relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation. Ensure that your child takes these pills as directed by Dr. Houshiar and on an as-needed basis.
The quicker ice, a cold compress, or even a bag of frozen peas is applied after treatment, the better. Show your child how to hold the pack against the side of the face where the tooth was extracted. Consistency is vital in reducing inflammation and swelling. Bleeding may be managed by having your child bite down on gauze or another high-absorbency material. In some cases, Dr. Houshiar may recommend a warm, moist compress or product to reduce swelling and other uncomfortable side effects.
Rest is vital to a healthy recovery following almost any type of surgery, tooth extractions included. If your child isn’t getting consistent, quality sleep, it can adversely affect their ability to heal or delay their recovery. With a bit of planning on your side, you ensure there is plenty of rest and relaxation built into your family’s busy schedule. So, your child’s health and healing is made a priority. Just make sure they stick to that bedtime!
We’ll instruct or even demonstrate how to create a salt-water rinse. This rinse acts as an antiseptic to support healing. We can also advise on foods and beverages to consume and, likewise, to avoid in the hours and days following the removal of the troublesome tooth. Our pediatric patients essentially start off with clear liquids and soft foods such as broth, pudding, and mashed potatoes. We advise against sticky, hard, or chewy foods as well as carbonated beverages, which can put your child at increased risk of a condition known as dry socket. This complication arises when blood clots that form at the extraction sites are dislodged. Also, any behaviors that can dislodge the clot should be avoided. This includes using straws to sip on drinks and vigorously brushing and cleaning the area.
Your child may be tempted to touch the treatment area, or their tongue may naturally gravitate toward the extraction site. Encourage them to resist the temptation to “mess with” the site too much, as this can aggravate the wound and adversely affect their body’s ability to heal. Sometimes, simply distracting your child with activities that they like can be helpful to keep the site and blood clot that forms there intact.
Of course, every effort is made to avoid the need for extractions in the first place and to proactively monitor how your child’s teeth are developing and their health and condition.
Contact Mona Dental for Kids in Spring, TX, at (832) 662-3008 to schedule your child’s appointment today.
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